What's that bubbling in my oven?

We went to the farmer's market up in Waterloo on Canada's Day.... and I ended up bringing home a lot of berries!  So what better to do with them, than make a pie? :)  With guidance from Moj over at Something Lemon, I proceeded to make my very own pie crust.  It was quite the adventure I tell you, not as hard as it looks, but definitely quite an experience!  Next time, I've got to learn to seal off the edges properly... midway the pie was bubbling over!

And here we have it, my first blueberry pie!

Yumm.. so much juicier when it's homemade!


  1. The pie looks great! Inspired by your blueberry pie adventure I made a strawberry rhubarb one over the weekend.

  2. Yum!!! That's the beauty of a homemade pie, the fact that it isn't perfect. I think the blueberries bubbling through the crust makes it that much better :-)


  3. I never knew Kel was quite the chef!

  4. Oh my goodness, I can practically smell the pie from here, it looks delicious!! I LOVE blueberries, too bad I wasn't on the other side of our country and I could have had a taste :)
    Nancy xo
