Another room painted

We've lost our dedicated painter Ceci for almost two weeks now, so the progression of painting has gone to a stand still.  It's almost like our foreman Erica has been grieving over this lost and chose to do other work around the house instead.  Well last night, since Kel was tiling the shower wall, Erica was unable to do any sanding around the vicinity, and was left with either putting up foam boards behind the furnace or painting the office.  I convinced her to start painting the office since we had a couple hours, and putting up foam boards need not be a continuous task.  (You can put one up and go do something else, but you can't paint a patch of the wall and walk off.)  So here's to another room done!

When Kel walked in, his first comment was.. I love it, but is this... Hippo's color? 
Oddly enough, it does remind me of our Moomin hippo...

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